Risalah An-Nur English's Collection

The Staff of Moses is a translation of the "Asayi Musa Mecmuasi" originally penned in Ottoman Turkish. The author compiled this book from amongst his various epistles of his corpus.

The Staff of Moses is comprised of three major parts:

The First part: The Fruit Epistle

The Second part: Hujjahtullah Al-Balighah (The Conclusive Proof)

The Third part: Five additional epistles: Sincerity (Ikhlas), Frugality (Iqtisad), Gratitude (Shukr), The Essence of the Essence (Khulasatul Khulasah) and The Supreme Sign (Al-Ayatul Kubra).

The reason why this book is named as "The Staff of Moses" is that just like the Prophet Musa defeated the magic of his opponents of his time, this book refutes and defeats the magic-like thoughts of misguidance (dalalah) and atheism with such strong proofs and in a powerful way that cannot be denied. It has also been succesful in dispersing the spiritual darkness and gloom stemming from faithlessness.


The Short Words consists of the first eight "words" of an important compilation of Risale-i Nur epistles, "The Words". These epistles were written in 1927 in Barla, a village in the district of Isparta.

The Short Words was one of the first parts of The Book of Light to be written, and comprises 8 enduringly popular epistles that illustrate important spiritual truths relating to true faith, worship and man's life in both this world and the hereafter, through allegories and analogies that represent deep sacred realities.


The work now in your hands was compiled by the successor of Imam Badiuzzaman Said Nursi, Sayyid Ahmad Husrev Efendi. The Five Epistles (Bes Risale) brings together some of the most foundational epistles in The Book of Light Corpus.

This book has been translated to assist those who are looking for an introductory compilation to serve as a window looking into The Risale-i Nur, serving as a prelude to a future, more in-depth exploration of the great work.


The Resurrection Epistle constitutes the 10th word in The Words. It was written in 1928 in Barla, a village in the district of Isparta. The Resurrection Epistle was the very first epistle written by Imam Nursi in Barla.

The Resurrection Epistle treats the following 3 main subjects:

- Proving the existence of the Necessary Being.

- Proving His Names & Attributes.

- Proving the Resurrection via adducing proofs on the basis of the former 2 realities.


The Fruit Epistle (Turkish: Meyve Risalesi) or in another name The Eleventh Ray was written in the years of 1943 and 1944 by Imam Badiuzzaman Said Nursi during his time in Denizli Prison. This risala (epistle) was penned only in two Fridays.

There are 11 masail (issues) discussing various topics of Iman (faith). It is great and guiding lesson for all yet it was at that time written for the prisoners. This risala hosts the basic principles, essence and fundamentals of the Book of Light (The Risale-i Nur).


This work in your hand is a selection of 3 separate epistles of parts of the epistles related to nubuwwah (the prophetic misson)  of the Prophet of Islam. The epistles from the Corpus form the 3 chapters in this book and each of them share a similar and supporting theme: The Lofty Sunnah of the Prophet Muhammad P.B.U.H.

This epistle is called Mirqat Al-Sunnah wa Tiryaq Marad Al-Bid'ah (The Ascending Stairway of the Sunnah and the Antidote to the Sickness of Religious Innovation). It was authored circa 1933. It provides exegesis of 5 verses and 4 noble ahadith.


The Seventh Ray or The Supreme Sign (Al-Ayatul-Kubra), was written in 1938 by Bediuzzaman Said Nursi during his exile in Kastamonu. Although he had not been found guilty in the 1935 hearings after his imprisonment in Eskisehir, he was unjustly exiled to a town in northern Anatolia, Kastamonu.

Content of the Supreme Sign:

- The Perceptions of a traveller who inquires about his Creator directly from the universe itself and through his own observations of the universe.

- 33 proofs that constitute the major ijma' (consensus) about tawhid (oneness and unity of God).

- Explains the existence and unity of the Necessary Being (Al-Wajibul-Wujud).

- Demonstrates the proofs of the prophethood of the Prophet Muhammad.

- Proves that the Quran is the word of God.


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The Staff Of Moses
The Five Epistles
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The Supreme Sign
The Lofty Sunnah
The Fruit Epistle

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